Steps to check status of your voter id card
Voter ID correction status
Using the reference number that you have obtained while submitting Form eight (8) online / offline, you can follow the listed steps to check for the correction status:
Visit national voter service portal - The official website of National Voter Portal Service provides a wide range of Voter ID card related services.
Enter the reference number that was provided to you during Form eight (8) submissions online / offline. You’ll need to make sure the reference number is accurate and does not have omitted / incorrect letters /numbers.
Click on ‘Track Status’ to see the results – Depending on the progress of your application, you’ll be able to view various types of status results.
If the application isn’t processed and it’s in a pending status, you can bookmark the page to visit later.
You can also track the status of your Voter card by calling 1950 from your BSNL /MTNL telephone.
You can follow these simple steps to check the status for Voter Card Correction of your Form eight (8) application. The process for correcting a voter ID card takes around two to three weeks. You’ll be required to produce necessary documents (physical copies for offline submission & scanned copies for online submissions) to request voter card correction.
It’s important that after your application process is duly completed, ideally two things should happen: You receive your Voter ID card in a month / two (2) / at least the verification team visits your residence. In case neither happens within a span of two months, you must inform the ERO, Zonal officer / the polling station of your area. If there is no response from them, you should log in to the official CEO website to understand the problem with your application & the stage at which it’s stuck.
If you need to know whether your name has been included in the electoral roll of the constituency, you may access the website of the National Voter's Service Portal to carry out a Voter card search. You’ll need to follow these steps in order to retrieve the information:
Visit the National Voter Service Portal web site.
Select ‘Search Your Name in electoral roll’ listed under ‘National Services’.
Click on the second tab to search by EPIC number.
Enter details specific to your Voter’s ID card, such as –
Death of Birth
Assembly constituency
Father’s Name and husband’s Name
Code to perform the search
You also can locate the area by using the map on the search page.