RTI fees 10 rupees but BPL s are free.
RTI fees can be pay cash or postal order or demand drafted or online pay
Only Indian citizen asked to the government.
As an Indian citizen not to the representative f any company and NGO.
Central information commission
State information commission
Chief information commissioner
Public information officer (PIO
Aviation research centre.
Special pointier force
Border security force.
Central reserve police force.
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We strive to provide Our Customers with Top Notch Support to make their Service Experience Wonderful Talk to UsWHAT IS right to information act 2005(RTI act, 2005) ?
Every people of India should be paid their tax direct or indirect method, so they are eligible for asked the question to Indian government how to use their money. Not only the money in this act Indian people asked to government each thing which related to Indian government.
Except Jammu and Kashmir all over the India, 27 state and 8 union territories enforceable the RTI act.
Indian is democratic republic country so Indian people already gives the power but RTI act 2005 gives a special support, Indian people and government has a transparency of all govt work and specially remove the corruption.
RTI act, 2005 enjoyed the power common people in India more powerful and gives the power of democratic and republic.
As per Indian constitution Indian people enjoy the supreme power so RTI is a pillar of that power.

Structure of right to information
It is basically independent body just like election commission.It consist of two commotion the central information commission and state information commission a special honorable and most power person is chief information commissioner
Central information commission- The Central Information Commission is an INDEPENDENT body, set up under the Right to Information Act in 2005 under the Government of India.
State information commission– The Commission will be consists by the State Government through anofficial announcement notification. It shall be one State Chief Information Commissioner (SCIC) and not more than 10 State Information Commissioners (SIC) to be appointed by the Governor.
The RTI act, 2005 provides for the creation of State Information Commission at the State level.
Chief information commissioner -Shall be one Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) and not more than 10 Information Commissioners (IC) who are appointed by the President of India on the recommendations of a Committee.
The first Chief Information Commissioner of India was Wajahat Habibullah.
1st woman Chief Information Commissioner was Deepak Sandhu.
After retirement of ninth Chief Information Commissioner of India, Sudhir Bhargava on January 11, 2020, Bimal Julka had been appointed as the tenth CIC of India.
Public information officer (PIO)- Public information officers (PIO) basically communicator coordinators or spokes persons of a government organizations.
A PIO should be provided information to the public and media as necessary and to meet the legal requirements.
The State Chief Information Commissioner and a State Information Commissioner hold office for a term of 5 years or until they attain the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier.
They are not eligible for reappointment for the transparency and remove corruption.
Which Indian government sector under RTI refer to section 24
- Intelligence bureau.
- Research and analysis wing of the cabinet secretariat.
- Directorate of revenue intelligence.
- Central economic intelligence bureau.
- Narcotics control bureau.
- Aviation research centre.
- Special pointier force
- Border security force.
- Central reserve police force.
- Indo-Tibetan border police.
- Central industrial security force.
- National security guards.
- Assam rifles.
- Special service bureau
- Special branch (cid), Andaman and nicobar.
- The crime branch, dadra and nagar haveli.
- Special branch, Lakshadweep police.
- The prime minister, the president, the chief minster office
- Govt school, government contributed Govt School.
- Government hospital, government contributed private hospital.
- Govt NGO and college also government contributed private college.
- Election commission.
Rules and regulation
General people of India asked to the India govt about any query and information commission not to deny the query.
Only Indian citizen asked to the government.
As an Indian citizen not to the representative f any company and NGO.
Every govt bank appointed a PIO necessary
Public should be demanded any format like the tape,video,paper but the information should be reachable the format.
As per government every an information kept in a period of time.whe the period of time is over the information should not available.
RTI fees 10 rupees but BPL s are free.
RTI fees can be pay cash or postal order or demand drafted or online pay
When a person asked for information should be give within 30 day but when the information is not given the person should be applied the PIO officer.
When poi officer is not support to you then you should be applied in the higher commission
After 30 days you reach the information you asked the same information without any fees
When you reach the information it is paper mode then you pay 2 rupees in each paper
Detective Agency
Private company information/third party
International country relation ship
How to write RTI application
It should be hand written or type mode
It should be 10 rupees stamp with attach
It is local or English language
Letter title should be mention
Letter body which person and which information you need should be clearly mentioned
Your phone number and address mention. But it is not mandatory, further contact it is significant
Date should be impotent
If you applied in offline should be 10 rupees demand draft or stamp or postal order but you also apply the online method then you can pay online.
When any information officer not to given or cooperate with your answered he/she pay 150 rupees per day basis
- You can also apply to the online the help of website
- Filled the mandatory and other part
- Affix the letter which you type
- Pay the 10 rupees fees
- Email id should be written
Important article in RTI
Atr-6(1) this section refer to how to written the application.
Art-6(2) when an application reaches in wrong department the department should be transfer in five days to the correct department.
Atr-7(5) for the BPL rules and regulation mention.
Atr-7(6) after 30 days you not receive any answered so you can free applied.
Atr-8 if any information break the peace and international relationship this information not to provide.
Atr-18 if anyone not answered your question you should be applied to chief information commissioner.
Atr-19(1) described reapplied.
Atr-19(3) describe the 90 days re applied.
In recent time govt of Indian amended the 13 and 16 articles.Art -13 refers to salary and tenure of central information commission and 16 refer to state salary and tenure the state information commotion.
When your application is canceled RTI
When information affected integrity, security, scientific, economic interest of India is worried or impatient relations with a foreign country are sought.
A person cannot ask the government its strategy which it has planned to adopt during a war.
A person cannot ask for a blueprint of the information about technical of Indian space program.
When the court particularly orders the trial to take place in camera. E.g. Rape cases, where court prohibits publishing any information regarding the victim. One cannot ask for such information as for his right inflict under RTI Act. Information which has been clearly prohibited for publication by the court cannot be demanded as a right under RTI Act 2005.
When you apply a BPL but you not show the BPL certificate
When the information is not to the public
What cause your application is rejected is its mention in the replied copy
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