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We strive to provide Our Customers with Top Notch Support to make their Service Experience Wonderful GET ADVICEBOOKKEEPING
It is a process where collecting and sorting the source documents formally. Book-keeping is the systematic recording and organizing of financial transactions in a company.
It is a process of record regarding a financial transaction on a day-to-day basis. It helps your business to monitor your financial transactions and financial information related to your business.
This process ensures that records of the individual financial transactions are every time correct, up-to-date, and comprehensive. You can maintain your Accuracy through this process.
The bookkeeping method is performing by the machine (software and excel) this day. But in some places, the bookkeeping method performs by the bookkeeper.
Steps of bookkeeping
Identification – This is the first step of the bookkeeping method. Here we have collected all the purchase and sale bills, invoice bills, cheque payments, all types of transactions.
Measuring – In this step, we separate (prepare ledger) all the purchase and sale bills, invoice bills, cheque payments, all types of transactions.
Recording - This is the first step of the bookkeeping method. Here we have collected all the purchase and sale bills, invoice bills, cheque payments, all types of transactions.

It is the book, where records all the purchase and sale bills, invoice bills, cheque payments, all types of transactions daily.
Kept data into a ledger or account posting sale and purchase basis or posting inward and outward basis.
Make this at the end of the period of the month or week.
Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities. The financial statements used in accounting are a concise summary of financial transactions over an accounting period, summarizing a company's operations, financial position, and cash flows.
An act or instance of preparing or sending out a bill or invoice. The total amount of the cost of goods or services billed to a customer, usually covering purchases made or services rendered within a specified period.
Billing is mainly used in inward and outward control.
Step of Accounting
Basically summarizing, analyzing, interpreting, communicating the four steps are followed by the accounting practitioner.

Accounting cycle

Who use the Accounting Data
- Investor
- Creditors
- Customers
- Suppliers
- Tax authorities
- Regulatory authorities
- Management
- Employee
Classification of billing
Billing classifications are used to group similar free text invoices for processing and viewing. Billing classifications include the following information:
Billing classification code (up to 15 alphanumeric characters)
Description (up to 60 characters)
Terms of payment
Interest information
Number sequence for invoice number
Number sequence for credit notes
Number sequence for collection letters
Billing codes that can be assigned to invoices that use this billing classification
Billing codes
Billing codes provide a set of default billing values and rates for a defined type of service or charge. Billing codes include the following information:
Billing code (up to 10 alphanumeric characters)
Description (up to 60 characters; this will print on the invoice)
Effective date and expiration date
Sales tax information
Interest information
Accounting distribution
Rate information
Project information
Custom fields
It is often a renumbered from used in the accounts payable department to standardize and enhance a company internal control over payments to it voucher and service providers. A voucher is usually prepared after a vendor invoice has been matched with the company purchase order and receiving report.
Supporting Document for Voucher
- All transaction records
- Invoice bill
- Equation
- Purchase order
- Revaluation
- Good receive document
Key Points of Voucher
After the supporting document receive you prepare then manual voucher
After the annual voucher you should create acomputerized vouches as like manual voucher.
At last you attach all supporting documents in your manual voucher.
Invoice no and date is the most important to create voucher.
Assistant account and account manager sing is very important for the voucher.
Type of voucher
It is basic two types – Accounting voucher,inventory voucher. Let discuss more
- Contra voucher
- Payment voucher
- Receipt voucher
- Journal voucher
- Journal voucher
- Sales return voucher
- Debit note voucher
- Reversing journal voucher
- Memorandum voucher
- Purchase order voucher
- Sales order voucher
- Rejection inward voucher
- Rejection outward voucher
- Stock journal voucher
- Delivery note voucher
- Receipt note voucher
- Physical stock voucher
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