Aadhaar status on-line
Check if your Aadhaar is generated or updated (In case you have got updated at an Enrolment/Update centre by following below easy steps.
You will need EID (Enrolment ID) to examine your Aadhaar standing. The EID is viewed on the highest of your entering/update acknowledgement slip and contains fourteen digit enrolment number like (1234/12345/12345) and therefore the fourteen digit date and time (dd/mm/yy hh:mm: ss) of enrolment. These twenty eight digits along type your enrolment ID (EID).
In case if you lost EID you'll retrieve lost or forgotten EID by your registered mobile variety.
To enter the EID click here. you wish to enter EID and Date & time as mentioned within the acknowledgement slip.
Click on the "Check Status" button to grasp the standing.
Know your Aadhaar standing using mobile
By mistreatment below easy steps
With registered mobile number
Without registered mobile number or if you modify your mobile number
Visit the link https://resident.uidai.gov.in/lost-uideid
Choose whether or not you need to retrieve EID / Aadhaar.
If you'd try to retrieve Aadhaar / EID, you need to the Name, registered Mobile variety or e-mail id followed by the entry of Captcha code. Enter "Send OTP".
If your mobile variety is registered, you'll get the OTP on your registered mobile variety. you can Enter OTP to retrieve your Aadhaar /EID number.
Check your Aadhaar Linking standing with Bank
Through this service, on getting into your Aadhaar number you'll know the following
If your Aadhaar is connected with a bank account
If connected, the name of the bank
To access the service.
you can Check your mobile number / Email in Aadhaar
you can verify your email address and mobile number that has been declared at the time of registration or during latest Aadhaar detail update, click here you wish to enter your Aadhaar number, Email / Mobile number. If you are mobile number/email id is connected to your Aadhaar, an OTP is distributed to identical.
Note: Registered Mobile number is crucial to avail Aadhaar on-line services. just in case your mobile variety isn't registered together with your Aadhaar, visit the closest Permanent enrolment Centre.