A website is a very important treasure or asset of the company or individual who creates the website. So it is obvious that it needs high protection and security. This ensures the owner protection from content thieves and duplicators. Copyright serves this protection to a website and thus ensures the website’s protection.
Copyrights help after you have generated a website and formed a business with value. Thus no one dares to make a duplicate website with your name and the specific logo or something more that looks or sounds similar to the real one. It is not necessary for all kinds of websites and still, plenty of bloggers don’t even bother with it. But if you are serious about your own blogs as a business then registering with the proper copyrights can serve you added protection and website security against the so-called copycats.
A website can be termed as a structure that contains contents. It is the content that is protected by copyright and not the structure. In general, work can be copyrighted if it is an original work and it is "fixed in a tangible medium of expression". A website can be defined as a structure that contains content that can be copyrighted. The contents kept on a website qualified as intellectual property can be copyrighted only if the work is original and is also owned by the applicant, and it is clearly described. A website is protected the moment it is gone "live" on a specific server. Copyright protection to ensure website security is for the contents written on that website. The United States Copyright Office tells that the content is "material that is perceptible to the ones who use a particular website." It includes everything from the news articles or literature or blogs or music or audio like a podcast or webinars or games or videos. You can copyright only the contents that are already on your website. The United States Copyright Office tells that the registration of copyright extends only to the contents presented with registration. Any content added to the website later or any updates made to the website would need its own registration. Thus it can provide website security and helps one to supply better creations through the creative works and grow more with absolute security and protection. You indeed have automatic copyright protection providing website security the minute the website contents are made out before the public.
It takes a couple of steps-
Note: The process of registering a website for having copyright protection can be complicated too. Even you regularly update the contents of your website you will be still protected by providing website security by putting the copyright notice shown on your website.
Additional resources
Registering a work to claim copyright
Copyright protection for the game