Looking for affordable Digital Signature Certificate services in Saltora?
Whether you need a Digital Signature Certificate advocate, tax consultant, or an expert in Saltora, you've come to the right place! In this blog, we will introduce you to the best options available for your digital signature needs in Saltora, all at minimum cost.
Your place of Business or Branch of Business at Saltora , 722158, West Bengal?
Get your new DIGITAL SIGNATURE AT Rs.1500 – 2000 /- ONLY
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What is Digital Signature:
Digital Signature is The E-certificate of your Signature issued by certifying authority.
Issuing authority:
A licensed Certifying Authority (CA) issues the digital signature. Certifying Authority (CA) means
a person who has been granted a license to issue a digital signature certificate under Section 24
of the Indian IT-Act 2000.
Types of Digital Signature Certificate:
Generally, 3 types of digital signature certificate -
Class 1:-
In the context of DSC (Digital Signature Certificates), Class 1 is one of the levels or classes of digital certificates issued by Certifying Authorities (CAs) for the purpose of verifying the identity of individuals or entities in electronic transactions.
Class 2:-
In the context of Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs), "Class 2" refers to a specific type or class of DSC. DSCs are used in various electronic transactions and communications to verify the authenticity of the sender or signer and ensure the integrity of the data being exchanged.Class 2 certificates are used for a higher level of security and authentication.
Class 3:-
Class 3 certificates provide a higher level of security and authentication compared to Class 2. They are typically used in applications where the risk and consequences of data compromise are high. This includes activities like e-tendering, e-procurement, and for participation in online auctions, etc. Class 3 DSCs often require a more rigorous identity verification process, which may involve in-person verification.
Document needed to obtain DSC:
In case of Individual:
1. PAN Card.
2. Aadhaar of Individual
3. Photo of Individual
If Organisation DSC:
1.Trade Licence
2. Bank Statement and cancelled cheque of the business entity
4. Address proof.
5. Photos of Partners/Proprietors/Directors
6. Mobile Number and Email Id
Why you choose us?
In conclusion, In India digital signatures are often issued by government-approved agencies called Certifying Authorities. You can check with these authorities to find out if there are any registered service providers in Saltora . If you need to renew or create your digital signature certificate, direct visit our office or contact us. We will guide you through the renewal and creation process. Local directories, both online and offline , can be a good resource to find businesses that provide digital signature services.