Purulia is a district in the state of West Bengal. It is mainly dependent on agriculture, industry and tourism. Most of the population depends on agriculture so it is good business idea to do agricultural business in this district. Silk and lac are the main agricultural products. This district has also shown improvements in power, cement and steel industry. Setting up power plants, cement factory and steel industries will be a profitable business in this district. The district has also thermal power stations. Santaldih thermal power station of Santaldih district is a large scale industry in this district. Purulia produces the maximum amount of lac in West Bengal. In each and every blocks of Purulia lac is cultivated and more than seventy thousand peoples are employed in this profession. Besides agriculture and industry sericulture and lac is also a major source of income in this district. Purulia is also popular in tourism. There are interesting and attracting tourist places scattered all over Purulia. Wild life, river streams, forests, hills, etc. has a very good scope for tourist attractions and are visited by tourists from inside and outside the country. So Purulia has got various types of business options which will attract investors, entrepreneurs and businessmen to approach here and conduct profitable business in this district.
Purulia plays a major role in silk industry. Various types of silks are produced and are manufactured and sold throughout the district. Among these tassar silk is very popular and are produced on a large scale. From this silk dhuti, tassar shirtings, bed cover, bed sheet, tassar chaddar, gamcha, lungi, etc. and other varieties of items are produced. So opening a silk shop or industry is a business idea in this district.
Lac is mainly used in fruits, flowers, bangles, perfumes, polishes, etc. It is also used in the preparation of electrical goods, paints, varnish and wax. Lac is also a main agricultural product used in Purulia. This district mainly concentrates on kusmu pure lac button, dewaxed decolourised flake shellac, handmade shellac, lac churi and lac bangles, etc. So setting up shops containing lac items is another business option in this district.
Purulia is rich in forest resources. The forest of the district is mainly concentrated in the north west region of the district. This forest mainly have sal trees, palash, kusum, mahua, neem, kend, simul, firewood, medicinal plants, etc. Plants like karanj, amla, bahera, haritaki, vrigoraj, satmuli and aswagandha are also present in these forests. With these trees woodcraft can be done in this district and is a good business idea.
Mineral resources are very rich in this district and can be found abundantly. Precious and important minerals like rock phosphate, uranium, quartz, manganese, moulding sand, lime stone, kaolinite, iron ore, graphite, gold, fluorite, fire clay, feldspar, copper, coal, etc. can be found in this district. With these important mineral resources mining can be done and is profitable business in this district.
Purulia is well connected with other cities and towns of West Bengal by roads. Bus transport is available here for almost twenty four hours. Dhanbad, Bokaro, Jamshedpur and Chas, these four major cities are connected with Purulia through National Highway(NH 32). So transport business can be done smoothly in this district. Besides buses, cab services, two wheeler service, operator trucking and speciality transportation are good business ideas in this district.
Purulia is developed in medical facilities and has numerous hospitals, rural hospitals, primary health centers and nursing homes. Especially for the senior citizens who are in the age group of above sixty years are given high priority and special treatment as per government rule. Besides this pay clinic is also available in this district. Peoples who are very impatient and are not willing to wait in a long line and do not want to waste any time, these types of peoples are given this facility of pay clinic for a nominal amount. Setting up private hospitals, health care centers, nursing homes are some business ideas that can be done in this district.
Various schools, colleges, universities are present in this district to provide education to lakhs of students. The urban areas have a better literacy rate than the rural and semi-urban areas. These rural and semi-urban areas are deprived of education mainly due to monetary reasons and because of child marriages, many women do not get the scope of proper education. To literate, these areas educational centers, tuition homes, schools, and colleges can be constructed and is a business idea in this district.
Because of not having sufficient and proper weather and soil which are two necessary ingredients for agriculture, this district is mainly dependent on industries. This district has numerous industries scattered throughout the areas. The livelihood for the natives of the district and main source of income comes from industries. The major industries established in the region are power, steel and cement sectors. So cement factory, steel factory and power stations can be established here to conduct business and can provide services to construct buildings, roads, railways, hospitals, etc.
Every district has educational institutions and so is Purulia. Purulia has good educational facilities and has better literacy rate than most other regions. For these educational institutions, large number of books and copies are made to provide to a large number of students. Xerox copies are needed by everyone and Xerox printing shops can be opened in this district and is a sound business idea.
There is a largely female population in Purulia in both rural and urban areas in this district. Urban areas have more women than rural areas. Women have a peculiar obsession for dressings, cosmetics and every woman has a passion for make-ups with nail polish, hair dressings, manicures and pedicures, etc. So opening a beauty parlor in this district will not be a bad idea for business start-ups.
Every district has agriculture and so is in Purulia. From agriculture, we get a variety of grains, crops, fruits, and vegetables. But if these fruits and vegetables are not preserved properly then these items can get rotten or can get wasted. This mainly happens in the summer season in room temperature and is a major problem. So to keep these fruits and vegetables fresh and long-lasting, cold storage can be constructed to save these items from rotting and can be resold to customers is a business idea in this district.
Purulia plays an important role in transport. Buses, cars, bicycles, bikes, loris, trucks are running all day in major areas which are well connected with roads. Often these vehicles stop working properly or can break by accidents and are needed for repairing and servicing. Repairing and service stations can be set up to provide services to these damaged vehicles and is a business idea.
All Bengalis like to eat various types of foods including egg rolls, Maggie, chicken, mutton, fish fry, cutlet, pakodas, etc. But one of the special items of Bengalis are Pithe. Pithe is a type of pancake which is specially made in the month of January or in Bengali Poush Parbon. Purulia is well known for its Pithes. The main components used in these pithes are nolen gur and coconut. The main four types of Pithes are Aska Pithe, Gur Pithe, Shim Pithe and Chicken Pithe. Making up pithe shops in this district is a business idea.
Smoking a worldwide habit. In today's world, even women are smoking. This smoking comes from tobacco products like cigarettes, pipes, bidees, etc. Most of the population in every district has an intoxication for smoking. Manufacturing and making tobacco products in this district is a good business idea.
Purulia is famous for its silk industry. From this silk various items like gamchas, dhuti, bed cover, bed sheet, towels, lungi, etc are made. One of the well-known items which is made from this silk is saree, worn especially by women. Tussar sarees, coarse cotton sarees are mainly made from this silk. Saree business is another profitable business idea in Purulia.