The National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) organizes qualifications consistent with a series of levels of data, skills and aptitude. These levels are defined in terms of learning outcomes which the learner must possess no matter whether or not they were acquired through formal, non-formal or informal learning. Therein sense, the NSQF may be a quality assurance framework. It is, therefore, a nationally integrated education and competency-based skill framework which will provide for multiple pathways, horizontal also as vertical, both within vocational education and vocational training and among vocational education, vocational training, general education and technical education, thus linking one level of learning to a different higher level. this may enable an individual to accumulate desired competency levels, transit to the work market and, at an opportune time, return for acquiring additional skills to further upgrade their competencies.
The National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) maybe a competency-based framework that organizes all qualifications consistent with a series of levels of data, skills and aptitude. These levels, graded from one to 10, are defined in terms of learning outcomes which the learner must possess no matter whether or not they are obtained through formal, non-formal or informal learning.
As per NSQF qualifications are to be developed serial of levels of knowledge and skills, defined in terms of learning outcomes i.e., the competencies (knowledge, skills and attitude) which the learners must possess regardless of whether or not they were acquired through formal, non-formal or informal education and training system. Units of competency are the specification of knowledge and skill and thus the appliance of that knowledge and skill to the standard of performance expected within the workplace.
Students got to know that formal degree curricula are mostly designed to equip them with knowledge and that they need to explore alternative ways of practising and applying the knowledge. they have to understand the vocational aspects of learning alongside the varsity and college programs through real-work exposure, working with tools, machines and gadgets. Only then their education gets aligned with skills required at the essential levels and that they are well prepared to know the discipline and the way it connects with the industry during a holistic manner. it's only by trying manual work that they develop respect for all trades and dignity of labour.
The journey from education to employment is marked with several milestones – on the 2 extreme ends we have the scholars, graduates or job aspirants and on the opposite end the industry, the corporates with a variety of jobs privately and public sector. the method should enable meeting the market demands for the skilled workforce through industry approved training curriculum and placement options. It also must take into consideration the training of trainers.
In India, general education and vocational training & training are operating as separate verticals, with little or no interaction between the 2. This has led to hesitation amongst the youth in choosing vocational training and training because it is presumed that this avenue would preclude the concerned individual from having the ability to accumulate higher degrees and qualifications. so as to facilitate mobility from vocational to general education, and vice-versa, a qualification framework for India, i.e. the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) will help make qualifications more understandable and transparent.
The National Skill Qualification Framework consists of ten levels, each representing a special level of complexity, knowledge and autonomy required to demonstrate the competence commensurate for that level. Level one among the framework represents rock bottom complexity while level ten represents the very best complexity. the amount is defined by criteria expressed as learning outcomes. The volume of learning denoting notional time taken to accumulate qualification can also be indicated for a few levels and a few sectors, but it's important to notice that the NSQF Levels aren't related on to years of study. they're defined by the extent of demands made from the learner in broad categories of competence, i.e. professional knowledge, professional skill, core skill and responsibility. Over a lifetime of learning, individuals will move to higher from lower levels or across levels of qualifications as they combat new learning and acquire new skills.
NSFQ can prove to be very effective when we look at the future of India. Skill and excellence make the work done with all satisfaction. This will enable an individual to accumulate desired competency levels, transit to the work market and, at an opportune time, return for acquiring additional skills to further upgrade competencies, also as, find opportunities to figure not only in India but also abroad.