Who are subject to paying Professional Tax as ‘person’?
The owner(s) of any business entity like director, sole proprietor or designation partner, and practicing professionals like doctors, lawyers, Chartered Accountants (CA), Company Secretary (CS) are liable to pay Professional Tax as person. The above-mentioned business entity may refer to Private Limited Company, Public Limited Company, any Proprietorship Firm, Partnership Firm, etc. Such persons need to pay Professional Tax to their concerned state governments in order to carry out their business or profession in a particular state. Any such individual needs to obtain Professional Tax Enrolment to pay this tax to the government. As we have already discussed, Professional Tax differs from Income Tax only in the matter that Professional Tax is levied and collected by the respective State Governments, while Income Tax is imposed and then, collected by the Central Government.
In maximum states and union territories that have levied Professional Tax, generally, an enrolled person is required to pay Professional Tax within 31st July of the same financial year for which the tax is due.
Documents required for Professional Tax Enrolment
The following are the documents required for Professional Tax Enrolment:-
1. Aadhaar Card of the applicant
2. PAN Card of the applicant or PAN Card of Company/Society/Trust/Partnership (as applicable)
3. Type and details of business
4. Address of place(s) of business
5. Bank Details (optional)
6. Phone number of applicant
7. Email ID of the applicant
Procedure for Professional Tax Enrolment
Follow the given steps sequentially for obtaining Professional Tax Enrolment:-
1. Note down the Application Number and GRN during the process for future use.
2. is the official website for Professional Tax in West Bengal. By following the same steps, we can do Professional Tax Enrolment for businesses based on other states too, the only difference is that we have to log on to the official website of Professional Tax of that particular state instead of the above-mentioned one.
Generation of Professional Tax Enrolment Certificate (PTEC)
After completing the Previously saved application, follow the following steps to generate Professional Tax Enrolment Certificate:-
The certificate so downloaded is called Professional Tax Enrolment Certificate (PTEC).