NGO Referred to Non-Governmental Organization. NGOs are a group of organizations founded by the citizens, which include clubs and associations which provide services to their members and others. NGO is private agencies that can support development at local, national, and international level by organizing groups.
NGO helps and supports people for their rights and legal powers in society. It needs to follow particular rules and regulations regarding various acts passed by the government. An NGO doesn’t have any relationship with any political party, government, etc. NGO Survives purely on the funds it receives and it helps support of the people. NGO works and duty is public and social welfare. It has played an important role in developing society, improving communities. This is the most integral part of our progressive society. NGO is private organizations that relieve suffering, promoting the interests of the poor people, and save the environment, provide primary social services. NGOs is an organization which is purposed at the welfare of the Society. In West Bengal, Non-Governmental Organization has been properly working for genuine social development and welfare activities of urban and rural communities. NGOs are very beneficial and helpful for social welfare things, charitable objective and support always perform to work and betterment of the children, women’s Development, Education and other purposes. In West Bengal NGOs are working for Child Education, Child Rights, Women’s Development, old age Homes for old age persons and Physically and mentally handicap persons.
NGOs registration under 3 types of Acts, they are
West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961
1961, is an Act of the West Bengal. The act was passed by the West Bengal parliament. This act was registered under the Societies Registration Act in West Bengal. The act is associated with the West Bengal Societies Registration Rules, 1963.
West Bengal is a state in India. It was an act to provide to the registration of societies or NGO’s whose main department office had to be situated in the state of West Bengal. At the time society has to be registered of forming with an application at the appropriate Registration of firms. It is basically a group of seven or more than members who unify themselves to work for various welfare and charitable purposes which include topics of literary, political, art, and social importance along with several others.
These Societies are objective and purposes follow
The societies have to register themselves of filling out of the forms:
Society registration takes 21 for 30 days to register to society.
Indian Trust Act, 1882
This act called the Indian Trust Act, 1882 and it shall come March 1882. A trust is a liability annexed to the ownership of property and arising out of confidence. This act to define the law relates to private Trusts and Trustees. The act will apply all over India when specifically altered by any State Government.
Before you register you will need to decide the following:
When a company wants to develop science, art, commerce, research, sports, education, charity, religion or any other objects then it can register itself under section 8 of Companies Act 2013. This type of company is called a section 8 company. The companies registered under section 8 will be deled as limited companies without the addiction to its name limited. These companies also apply the profits advancement of their cause and do not pay any dividend to their members.
People want to prefer charitable activities by section 8 companies instead of regular NGOs because they have limited liability and several tax exemptions.
Some advantages of these companies here:
Some example of companies established under section 8: