West Bengal is located between 21â°31’ & 27â°14’ North Latitude and 85â°91’ & 89â°53’ East Longitude. The tropic of Cancer passes through the centre of the state covering the district within the East, Nadia and Burdwan and within the West Bankura and Purulia. The state has occupied a geographic area of about 88,75,200 hectares sharing 2.7% land of the country but producing quite 8% of country’s food production and providing space 7.6% of the country’s population. Total cultivable area of this state is about 56 lakh hectares which are 63% of its geographic area and having 62% irrigation area of internet cropped area. Gross cropped area is 94,58,675 hectares with cropping intensity (2012-13) of 182%.
The cropping intensity within the State has also been increased from 131 per cent to 162 per cent during the last 20 years. The State has achieved an all-time record in food grains production and ranks first within the production of rice within the country. Remarkable progress has also been made during the last one decade within the production of oilseeds which increased from 0.24 million tonnes to 0.55 million tonnes during the last decade. The State produces nearly 28 per cent of the entire potato grown within the country. In terms of productivity, it stands second. West Bengal also produces quite 60 per cent of the country's raw jute fibre. The State has achieved a 3 per cent once a year within the production of rice and 12 per cent once a year within the production of oilseeds.
The agriculture economy is greatly trusted monsoon and flood, land erosion, drought and other natural calamities often affect production in agriculture. at the present West Bengal ranks first within the production of Rice, Jute and Vegetables. Our position is second in Potato Production. the assembly of various crops under food grains within the state has recorded significant growth, which is recognized by GOI through awarding “KRISHI KARMAN” 3 times during a row during 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14.
'Matir Katha' is an agriculture-based portal involving 5 Departments which are Agriculture, Agricultural marketing, farming, Fisheries and Horticulture. Useful information about different Agricultural Sectors is out there through this portal to serve the citizens of West Bengal at the grassroots level. The range of data covered during this portal includes name and type of seeds, availability, price and internal control of seeds, suggestions for Season / Area / Crop/variety wise cropping (based on crop calendar), different information associated with Soil and Fertilizer, Cultivation Technique of various crops, crop diseases and their remedies, Agro-Climatic Zones and Schemes for the cultivation of various crops. Updating of the content and further addition of Sector-wise information is administered on regular basis. Continuous Training of Nodal Officers in each sector and sensitization of Stakeholders are arranged for the propagation of effective service delivery mechanism through Common Service Centres.
The aim of Matir Katha is to empower the farmers with the knowledge of state recommended package of practices, latest innovations and advisories, 24/7 crop protection solutions on the sector in order that farmer can produce more, sell the produce at the proper price and earn more. Another aim is to supply G2G services for MIS generation and fast communication. The farm problems reported from the sector may form the idea for future planning and research. for correct implementation of the Project, every stakeholder is predicted to fulfil his/her responsibility with due diligence.
Documents Required
Eligibility Criteria
Who are often the beneficiaries of this project - Anyone can avail the advantages of this project from small and marginal farmers, cooperatives, joint liability groups, farmers producers, organizations, self-help groups, subordinate small and marginal farmers and members of farmer interest groups. He also didn't take any chances within the agricultural mechanization project within the last five years
Applicants for Power Tillers and Solar Pumps should have a minimum acreage of 1 acre or 100 cents.
How to apply online
Matir Katha has empowered the farmers with the knowledge of state recommended package of practices, latest innovations and advisories, 24/7 crop protection solutions on the sector in order that the farmer can produce more, sell the produce at the proper price and earn more. It also aims to supply G2G services in MIS generation and fast communication. The farm problems reported from the sector may form the idea for future planning and research. for correct implementation of the project, every stakeholder is predicted to fulfil his/her responsibility with due diligence.