Is it possible to use a copyright-protected work without infringing it?

Updated on : 2021-Jan-25 14:11:04 | Author :

Copyright infringement involves persons who use another person's original creative work or any copyrighted work without having any kind of permissions.

Copyright infringement and Copyright protection


There are many kinds and forms of copyright infringement cases. These are some general examples of the activities showing you copyright infringement cases if you do it without taking any kind of permissions from the actual owner or creator or holder of the copyrighted material. 


  • Recording of a film in a movie theater
  • Posting a video on the company's website featuring copyrighted words or songs
  • Using copyrighted images on the company's website​​​​​​​
  • Using copyrighted songs on the company's website​​​​​​​
  • Modifying an image and after that displaying it on the company's website​​​​​​​
  • Creating merchandise for sale featuring copyrighted words or images​​​​​​​
  • Downloading music or films without paying ​​​​​​​
  • Copying any literary or artistic work without having a license or written agreement


In some circumstances, it is possible to use a copyright-protected work the owner’s copyright without infringing. You may wish to learn about fair use for knowing the details. It is important to know that your content can be removed as a response to the claim of copyright infringement issue, even if you have-


  • Given the credit to the actual copyright owner​​​​​​​
  • Refrained from monetizing the infringed contents​​​​​​​
  • Charged specific amount for a copy of those kinds of contents in question​​​​​​​
  • Noticed similar kind of contents that appear elsewhere on the internet​​​​​​​
  • Purchased the content that includes a hard copy or a digital copy​​​​​​​
  • Recorded the content from a TV, a movie theater, or radio​​​​​​​
  • Copied the content from a textbook or a movie poster or photograph​​​​​​​
  • Stated that “no copyright infringement issues is intended”


Some content creators have chosen to make their work available for reuse with certain requirements. You may intend to learn about the Creative Commons license.


Tips for Avoiding Copyright Infringement cases

By no means an exclusive list, these suggestions will guide you to avoid inadvertently pirating another person’s creative works:


  • Understand what the copyright laws generally protect. The Copyright laws are often gets confused with trademarks or patents or licenses. Though these are actually all forms of Intellectual Property, copyrights are probably the easiest thing to obtain and also to violate—either it is done intentionally or unintentionally. If it's not an original work, then don't use it. We are all probably familiar with the saying, "If it is not yours, do not touch it." Copyright laws act as per the same philosophy: the golden rule here is to obtain permission from the actual owner or creator or holder of the copyrighted materials. If you are not the creator of the work, then you are not allowed to use it. Even when there is no copyright symbol associated with a particular work.
  • What you can find on the internet is generally not called fair game. Generally, anything you see or read on the internet has been copyright protected, by default, given that the materials like blogs or literary or artistic works, etc.) were created by someone else. This is true whether you are benefited financially from the use or not.
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