If you want to know how to start NGO, then you have to learn the primary information to start NGO. At first, to start an NGO you will need more than money. It requires realization, hard work and supports others. Then you have to register your NGO under the Government of India Act. You have to register your NGO in social welfare office nearest to you. They are dedicated and helpful for people to use their resources to aid the needy and poor of the community. For starting the NGO in India you have to make something like, ‘constitution of INDIA’, Which will define, how the matters will be handled in most of the situations.
You can start an NGO in India, here are a few steps:
Decide The Name Of Your NGO
NGO official names of Non-governmental organization. Ngo makes the world a better place for everyone. Ngo will be supporting form human rights, social justice, women empowerment, environmental protection, children’s welfare etc. If you starting an NGO, then first steps selected a name, it is not a difficult part for this processing. Your NGOs name is the first thing people see when they look at your organization. A good name of NGO communicates the heart of the organization. Most important things that the name should be unique, that no NGO should be there with the same name. When NGOs name was chosen appropriate, you can also create projects focusing on individually different cause and create separate social media page.
Decide The Reason And Mission Of Your NGO
This is another step is to list down the reason that your NGO will be supporting. NGOs can function on a local scale, a national scale and international scale.
Some such cause includes:
Memorandum of understanding / Articles of Association
Every NGO in India is legally required to document a Memorandum of Understating by laws. It takes on the name and address of the NGO, details of governing body members, human resource, mission and objectives, law and procedures. Before the application and registration of an NGO, It is important to mention the rules, regulations, working pattern, working area liability of an NGO.
Get your NGO Registered
NGO Registration is another step to start an NGO. If your all documents are ready and fees are submitted then you can get your NGO Registered under any of these Acts:
At the time society has to be registered of forming with an application at the appropriate Registration of firms. Mainly it is a group of 7 or more members who unite themselves to work for different welfare and charitable objective which include topics of literary, political, art and social importance along with several others. (In society, there are a minimum of seven members are required)
This act called the Indian Trust Act, 1882 and it shall come March 1882. A trust is a responsibility annexed to the ownership of property and arising out of confidence. In Charitable Trust at least two people are required and there is no limit of maximum members.
A non-profit company can be registered under section 8 of the Companies Act with the Register of Companies. The companies registered under section 8 will be deled as limited companies without the addiction to its name limited. These companies also apply the profits advancement of their cause and do not pay any dividend to their members.
Start Getting Funds
The Source of funding for an NGO in the following forms:
NGOs are also able to get funding from the government organizations and depend on this type of funding, governments can’t be connected in decisions what the NGO does. Non-governmental organization are need of funds to always serve the purpose of their presence. NGOs should know that donation will come from two sources, namely locally and internationally. Local funds generally come from either the government or local businesses.
Set Up The Board Of Members
A critical role-play of board members in the development and success of non-profit organizations. The Board of Members helps to better understand the original structure of NGO. NGO board provides a basis for successful management of the organization. The board members daily operations and management of the institution. The board members decisions determine the organization’s direction and policies. Board members also need to have the support of financial advisers and people with knowledge of legal procedures. Board membership is a vitally important role in NGO.
Get Connected
A strong network for your NGO is essential. Build a wide network. Create a Face book page, a Twitter account and an online blog named after your NGO. Get Connected to various other NGOs, media houses, government agencies.