The West Bengal Government launched the Gatidhara scheme in August 2014. The Gatidhara scheme was outlined by the minister of finance within the budget in February. The families with a monthly income of Rs 25,000 or less would qualify for support under the scheme. The transport department will interview applicants and draw up an inventory of eligible candidates. The labour department would offer the cash, but the scheme would be implemented by the transport department. the target of the scheme is to get self-employment within the Urban and Rural areas of the state through the promotion of transport service.
Under the scheme, the government provides a one-time grant of 30 per cent of the value of a 3 or four-wheeler commercial vehicle less than Rs 1 lakh to an applicant, who has got to be a resident of West Bengal and unemployed. The applicant has got to pay a minimum of Rs 1 lakh because the initial deposit with the remainder of the vehicle’s cost to be paid in monthly instalments.
This scheme shall be having extensive coverage for the whole state of West Bengal. All the Nationalised Banks, Gramin Banks and Cooperative Banks functioning within the state and Govt. financial institutions shall take up the execution of the scheme throughout West Bengal.
Labour Department, Govt. Of West Bengal is that the nodal agency for the scheme. Directorate of Employment shall function because the implementing and monitoring agency under the scheme. The subsidy is going to be provided by the government within the Finance Department.
According to the Transport Department, since its re-launch in 2015, the govt has given the one-time grant to 38,204 jobless youths and spent Rs 343.88 crore.
To make it easier for ladies to become the owners, under the Gatidhara Scheme, they're going to get a subsidy of Rs 1.5 lakh, rather than the Rs 1 lakh for other cars. That is, Rs 1.5 lakh of the value of the car would tend by the government.
This was announced by Mamata Banerjee during the course of her speech at the inauguration at Nabanna. She also said that the govt has plans to enable the introduction of 1,000 such taxis in Kolkata.
This is a positive move by the government because it would empower women by making them self-employed. it's going to be mentioned during this connection that quite 36,000 youths have already been provided subsidy under the Gatidhara Scheme.
The Gatidhara scheme renders financial assistance within the sort of a loan, which is sanctioned through all the Nationalized Banks, Co-operative Banks and Gramin Banks. Under this scheme, the project cost for the acquisition of small and medium vehicle should fall within the utmost limit of Rs.10,00,000.
The bank approves the entrepreneur a term loan of 65% of the project cost. The applicant should contribute the remaining 5% of the project cost as margin money.
The maximum project cost for the acquisition of small and medium vehicle must not be quite Rs.10,00,000.
Eligibility Criteria for Gatidhara
Documents Required for Gatidhara
• Application Form for Subsidy under the Scheme
• Domicile certificate as a symbol for residence
• Unemployment certificate
• A certificate as age proof
• Aadhar card
• Caste certificate
• Passport size photograph
• Income qualification from the actual authority
• Task report
• Driving license
• Affidavit as per mentioned format
Applying for Gatidhara Scheme
The candidate should post the duly loaded form to any office of Joint Director of Occupation Kolkata District just in case there's Kolkata local firm area because the people can send to the actual sub-divisional official (SDO) combined with the required documents.
The application form, affidavit and therefore the income/career qualification must be published within the approved format. The copies of those are given below:
• Application Form
• Affidavit Format
• Income License Format
Vehicle-dealers are authorized facilitator for Gatidhara Scheme. Applicant should get his application with all requisite documents processed by the dealer of his choice. Select a financier for the loan required for purchasing the vehicle. The vehicle is to be registered within one month of receipt of a suggestion letter for permit and subsidy under the scheme.