Company Return Filing/Annual Return (Company Renewal for2019-20 Financial Year) has been Exrended ti

Updated on : 2021-Jan-29 16:53:29 | Author :

The ministry of corporate affairs notified the leisure on cost of additional costs during the recording of e-structures namely AOC-4, AOC-4(CFS). AOC-4 XBLR and AOC-4 non-XBLR fall under the company’s act, 2013 for the financial year completed on March 31, 2020 concerning the Company return filing.


The government got requests from partners concerning loosening up on rate of additional costs for yearly spending report filings that should have been cultivated for the monetary year ending on March 31, 2020 among the annual return.


As such, the MCA has been reasoned that no additional costs will be gathered up until the date of February 15, 2021 for the chronicle of annual return with e-structures AOC-4, AOC-4 (CFS), AOC-4 XBLR and AOC-4 non-XBLR in respect of the monetary year terminating on March 31, 2020 as the time limit for annual return.


According to the government body "For the duration of the definite period, just ordinary expenses will be payable for the documenting of any previously mentioned e-shapes".

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